Recent News

Below are some recent news items that have been highlighted on this website.

The Good Guys in court over misleading customers

The ACCC has launched court proceedings against retailer The Good Guys, for allegedly misleading customers about store credit and ‘StoreCash’ promotions, and failing to provide store credit as advertised. Read more at

Building automation vendor penalised for bid rigging

Delta Building Automation Pty Ltd and its director have been ordered by the Federal Court to pay penalties of more than $1.5m for attempted bid rigging in a National Gallery of Australia tender process. Read more at

Qantas hit with $100m penalty for misleading customers

Qantas has been penalised $100m after admitting to 'egregious and unacceptable' conduct in misleading customers by selling tickets for flights that it had already decided to cancel. Read more at

ACCC releases report on scams activity in Australia in 2023

The ACCC has released a report on scams activity showing that for 2023, the number of report scams increaesed 18% to 601,000, while total losses decreased from 2022 to $2.7b. Investment scams were by far the biggest source of losses. Read more at

Australian Parliament passes 'right to disconnect' bill

The Australian Parliament has passed an amendment to the Fair Work Act giving employees the right to not respond to employer attempts to contact them outside working hours, when reasonable to do so. Read more at

Web hosting business penalised for misleading customers

The Web hosting company behind CrazyDomains has been fined $56,340 by the ACCC for misleading conduct, by automatically signing up customers for 'free' services that later incurred ongoing fees. Read more at

AFP raids alleged money laundering ring in Melbourne

The Australian Federal Police have arrested seven people in Melbourne in connection with an alleged money laundering ring that is accused of processing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of illegal funds. Read more at

Government plans extensive changes to Australian Privacy Laws

The Australian Government has released its response to a major review into the Privacy Act, including plans to increase protections for children and strengthening obligations of all businesses. Read more at

Qantas hit by class action lawsuit for 'unconscionable conduct'

Qantas is facing a class action lawsuit for misleading consumers about their rights and refusing to offer refunds for cancelled flights in a claimed 'pattern of unconscionable conduct'. Read more at

Melbourne couple arrested for modern-day slavery

A Melbourne couple have been charged by the Australian Federal Police with modern-day slavery offences after allegedly keeping a woman as a slave in their Point Cook home. Read more at

Latitude Financial hit by cyber attack

More than 300,000 identity documents including drivers licences have been stolen in a breach reported by ASX-listed company Latitude Financial. Read more at

Global cyber security attacks increased 38% in 2022

The number of cyber-attacks in 2022 increased by 38% compared with 2021, with attacks on healthcare organisations increasing the most. Read more at

Telstra reveals confidential customer information leaked online

In yet another major Australian data breach event, Telstra has apologised to thousands of customers for accidentally publishing confidential personal details online. Read more at

Human Rights Commission releases 2022 report on sexual harassment at work

The Australian Human Rights Commission has released results of its 2022 survey on sexual harassment at work, revealing that 1 in 3 people have experienced workplace harassment in the last 5 years. Read more at

Medibank reveals customer data breach much wider than originally thought

Just days after the major Optus data breach earlier this month, Medibank stated that they had detected 'unusual activity' in their systems. They've now revealed a breach of sensitive customer data that is much worse than first thought. Read more at

OAIC opens investigation into Optus customer data breach

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) today commenced an investigation into the data handling practices of Optus, following one of Australia's largest ever privacy breaches that exposed personal information in 9.8 million customer records. Read more at

Is workplace bullying and sexual harassment putting your business at risk?

A new article by the Australian Hospitality Directory discusses the concerning findings of a recent survey on workplace bullying and sexual harassment, and what businesses can do to avoid problems. Read more at

Ansell sued for modern slavery violations

Australian company Ansell has been taken to court in the United States by 13 alleged victims of modern slavery practices in the company's manufacturing supply chain. Read more at

Major retailers' use of facial recognition technology raises privacy concerns

Major retailers have been found to be using facial recognition technology in their stores, though most customers are unaware of the practice, raising Privacy concerns. Read more at

Crown Casino fined $80m for evading money laundering laws

Crown Resorts has received a record fine for a scheme that allowed Crown Casino high rollers to illegally bypass China's currency controls and Australia's anti-money laundering laws. Read more at
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